Friday, September 24, 2010

Water running in West Madison, but questions remain.

According to a late Thursday afternoon report water began running about 5:30 p.m. Thursday for customers of the West Madison Utility District.

The district tapped into a back-up well for Flora which is being purchased by the Madison County Economic Development Authority for the utility district’s use after its own well collapsed, shutting off water for the Kearney Park and Magnolia Heights areas Sept. 12.

About a mile of pipe was laid to reach the well, which will also be used by Flora if a back-up well is needed.
This is great news for many out in the Kearney Park area. But, some questions remain.

Is this now going to be forgotten again? This problem has been ongoing for more than 25 years, and officials have known it.

Is this band-aid fix going to be the only thing that happens until another crash of the system? Over the years, small fixes have held the system together, oftentimes after residents have gone days or weeks without safe water. When the water would begin to flow again, West Madison and Madison County officials would fall back into business as usual.

Will the West Madison Utility District and Supervisor Karl Banks attempt to blame the residents when nothing is done again? Residents have been blamed for not signing a survey so that a grant could be obtained to help. But, there are a wide range of funding options throug a variety of agencies if officials really wanted to do something. Furthermore, residents and stakeholders were often turned away from board meetings, or the West Madison Utilities Board would go into Executive Session when they didn't want to answer tough questions. In one instance, a resident refused to leave and was threatened with arrest. That officials refuse to allow stakeholders to participate in solutions, yet blame them for not signing on to the only solution offered is arrogant and protectionist. People that would rather do a poor job than allow other solutions to be considered should be removed from the equation.

Will the West Madison Utility District find a way to blame the Town of Flora again for the problems that is the responsibility of West Madison? Flora residents and officials have come to the aid of Kearney Park and the West Madison Utility District countless times. Yet, when there is no easy excuse for their ineptitude they blame the Town of Flora for not pushing through "paperwork".

Or . . .

Will resident's come together and make some demands of Madison County to clean up the real problem? That problem is in the makeup of the utility district leadership itself, and how it has been politicized by the current Supervisor in order to protect his turf come election time. The underlying current here is race and socioeconomics. There have been many times that white and black residents have tried to come together to affect some change. There have also been a few times where there have been some investors interested in revitalizing the old Industrial area, a move that would benefit residents and businesses immensely. But, changes to the social and economic order mean those in power who mismanage, would begin to lose that power. No real infrastructure improvement, means no change to the status quo, and those in office stay in office. Resident's must come together and force the change.

West Madison Commissioner Lawrence Morris said, "That Flora well can supply us with water until we dig a new well.” Yet, there is no timetable for digging a new well.

If residents strike now, they can demand a plan be put together that will finally get this problem under control. It took an emergency for everyone to work together. But, it will take some changes in leadership to get it to stay that way.

Related Post: Here we go again! Decades old problems with West Madison Water District again rears it's ugly head.

Related Post: Madison Co. Routes Water From Flora To Help Cover Outage
Related Post: Madison Co. residents without water get relief
Related Post: Biting the hand the quenches? West Madison Utilities' Morris blames Kearney Park water problems on Town of Flora

West Madison Utilities/Kearney Park