Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"To audit or not to audit?" That is the question.

State Auditor Stacey Pickering reportedly will be live on the Paul Gallo Radio Show tomorrow, March 25th at 9:00 am. He is expected to address the ongoing battle in Madison County where residents and at least two of the five Supervisors are requesting a procedural audit of the county's dealings with County Engineer Rudy Warnock.

Some resident activists were on the radio show on March 18. A WAPT report on that same day noted the findings of an independent investigation by Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins-Butler through Detroit-based PMA Consultants. The investigation found potenital illegalities in subcontracting, an issue that has been discussed for several months according to Hawkins-Butler, and the spending of as much as $2 million without proper oversight from the Board of Supervisors.

Warnock has said he is the victim of politics, and that the investigator, Richard J. McAfee, was nothing more than a "hired gun."

"This bears further investigation," McAfee said in an interview. "Any government in the business of serving the people need to have better checks and balances. There are so many inconsistencies it would make sense to perform a thorough audit."

Pickering's office currently has 160 active cases probing misused funds. The state auditor's duties are to protect the public's trust by independently assessing state and local governmental and other entities to ensure that public funds are properly received, spent and reported.

"We are going to pursue each one of these and do it in a fair and just manner," Pickering said of the pending cases.

Pickering has recovered more than $3.6 million in embezzled, misspent or misappropriated funds since being elected in 2007. He announced today that his office has collected more than $1,038,000.00 in unpaid court assessments since February 22, 2010 from counties and municipalities, and that an estimated $1,061,000.00 was yet to be turned in. So, his effectiveness is not in question. The question is will he finally answer a simple question,

"Will you or won't you add this particular audit in Madison County to that list and help the taxpayers of Madison County potentially recover millions?"

And, if the answer is no, "Why not?"

Related articles: Madison County Supervisor Asks for Audit Of Engineers Contracts . . . Again.


  1. How could the auditor know there are no illegal activities... there has been no investigation!

  2. Why would there be "unethical" activities and illogical decisions by the Board of Supervisors if there nothing illegal going on? Example, the recent awarding of 3 contracts to the engineer for design of projects that there is no money for construction.... Every Madison County citizen knows this is illogical and stupid! And probably associated with illegal activities; FOLLOW THE MONEY!

  3. Auditor, what happens when Board of Supervisors do not perform their fiduciary responsibilities and lose the trust of the electorate? How is this responsibility restored or regained and enforced?

  4. I have found nothing to indicate that the auditor has ever addressed this publicly. It really is as simple as answering the question, and explaining the position. But, even then, the next obvious question would be "why did it take so long to address it?"
