Thursday, April 1, 2010

Legislation to stop bullying in schools? What a load of crap!

On occasion I tune in to the Gallo Radio Show on my morning drive to catch the hosts latest from the merry-go-round of state and local officials. I have a love/hate relationship with Gallo. He seems to think a bit much of himself sometimes, a necessary evil for a radio host I would imagine. I especially wish he would stop using the term "InDaHouse". Paul, the attempts to be cool aren't working my man. That term left the lexicon of the hip some years ago.

On occasion, Senator Terry "I've got a game show host's voice" Burton sits in. He too has a background in radio so I get the voice deal. I sometimes expect to here him use the phrase, "But Wait! There's More!"

This morning the good Senator had a guest on the show whose name I did not catch. The young lady was speaking in support of legislation to stop bullying in our schools. She of course, had a program, a set of steps on what students should do and, although I didn't hear it said, I'm sure she would be more than happy to work with students and schools and legislators to set up this wonderful program.

When confronted, the young lady suggested students do four things. I don't remember them all, but the gist of it was to step back, stop and think, something else, and "make peace".

What a load!

What this young lady--who incidentally sounded like she may have been just out of her teens--is advocating is nothing more than steps needed to ensure that the child is bullied repeatedly.

I have my own suggestion:

1. Step back--just shy of arm length is preferable. You want to be able to touch the bully.

2. Grit your teeth--Think of absolutely how embarassed this person has made you at this precise moment, think of how absolutely PO'd you are at him/her.

3. Ask yourself--Ask yourself one question, "Where am I stronger, my arms or my legs?"

4. Use the rage--This step is one that allows you to use your own talents and judgement on how best to use them. Based on the answer to the question in step three you can:

        A. Use your arm strength to swing your arm at a high rate of speed planting your fist firmly under the nose of the bully with as much force as possible. (Note: If using this tactic, depending upon the size of the bully, it may be necessary to repeat the step several times.)

       B. Use your leg strength to kick, placing your foot firmly in the genital area of the bully. (Note: If using this tactic, the confrontation is immediately over.)

5. Immediately leave the bully lying on the floor and report to the authorities of the school. If not at school, then report to your parents to receive a pat on the back for standing up for yourself.

Parents, if you are teaching your children to step away and "make peace" then you are part of the problem. Our country is raising a generation of wusses. And now we have some legislators wanting to make it an official practice. We are quickly deteriorating into a country of "poor me's" looking for someone else to bail our ass out of every situation that is uncomfortable.

Feel good utopianites looking to legislate us into a heaven on earth are the reason we will likely never again see the type of grit and determination from our citizens that we saw from the generation that won World War II. It is the "go along, get along" mentality and feel good BS that is furthering that decline.

I understand that not every kid has the ability to stand up for themselves in this way. But, how many people have developed other talents as a result of bullying? How many people have developed a quick wit as a result? How many people have developed the fortitude to stand up and not take no for an answer that has led to some of the worlds greatest innovations? We have all had to deal with bullying in its many forms in the past and we all, no matter our age, will have to deal with it in the future.

Bad things happen. Good people deal with it. This is part of learning.

Teach your kids to take responsibility for themselves and their own lives. Because, if we're all sheep. Then who is protecting the flock?

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Never had a problem with bullies.
