Saturday, August 28, 2010

A great day to be a kid in Flora and Madison County (Pictures and Video)

Saturday was a great day to be a kid in Flora and Madison County. Temps were less stifling than earlier in the month, and there was plenty to do.

Fun In Flora
Sophie Longwitz takes a break from
campaigning for her dad, Will at Fun In Flora.

Kids enjoy the rock climbing wall at Fun In Flora.

Fun In Flora.

Fun In Flora

Kids enjoy the Space Jump at Fun In Flora.

Kearney Park Cowboys Football at East Flora
The KP Cowboys defeated the Eagles in the early game 26-6.
The Kearney Park Cowboys meet their opposition on the field
following a 26-6 win.

Two Kearney Park Cowboy defenders surround the Eagle's QB
on one of the final plays of the game at East Flora School.

The Andrew Jackson Council and Boy Scouts of America 100-Year Celebration Camp-O-Ree at Liberty Park in Madison

Thousands of Scouts descended on Liberty Park in Madison for a weekend long
celebration of 100-years of Scouting.

1 comment:

  1. Former Mississippi Supreme Court Justice Oliver Diaz just commented on Facebook that "Glenn Beck invited tea baggers to gather at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial this weekend. The National Park Service estimates that this may have been the largest Klan rally in 47 years".
