Monday, August 30, 2010

Madison County Foundation hosts event for Congressman Thompson, Madison County Business League hosts event for Congressman Harper

Different Madison County Business groups hear from Democrat and Republican in same week

Congressional representatives shared their goals for the local economy and national issues last week in separate addresses to Madison County business groups.

Second District Rep. Bennie Thompson, a Democrat, addressed the Madison County Foundation, while 3rd District Rep. Gregg Harper, a Republican, spoke to the Madison County Business League.

Thompson challenged his group to consider the northern part of the county for economic development projects.

"I challenge the Madison County Foundation to look at an airport in the northern area," said Thompson, spotlighting Flora as a place ripe for growth.

Thompson, who represents the northern end of the county, said that area is essential for the county's growth and an airport would spark other development in the rural area.

Flora Mayor Leslie Childress said town leaders have been working closely with Thompson on projects. "They are premature to talk about, but we hope to have some things announced this fall," he said.

Thompson also encouraged the group to continue making education a priority.

Mississippi cannot continue to spend more on prisoners than on students, he said. The state's "best and brightest" come with a price tag, he said.

Thompson and Harper both discussed national issues in their speeches.

Thompson said he continues to support President Obama's health care plan, which will bring better service to those in need.

"When you look at the Second District, every county is medically underserved, including Madison County," he said.

Harper said the health care bill is an example of a "federal government overreach. It needs to be repealed or replaced.

"I don't think we can repeal the bill without a Republican president," he said, adding that a Republican-controlled House, which could occur after November elections, could have oversight through funding.

On the budget issue, Harper said the House, under Speaker Nancy Pelosi's guidance, failed to produce a budget before this upcoming session.

"Spending is completely out of control, and the best they can say is, 'It's Bush's fault,' " Harper said.

"I understand putting the blame on the previous administration. But two years later, you own it," he said.

"When the president says by 2013 we will cut deficit spending in half, it sounds good - but not when you run it through the roof," Harper said.


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